Monday, January 25, 2016

18 months is not a magic number

Lenayah turned 18 months last week and although it is bitter sweet to see her get big, I am loving this toddler stage. She has so much character and spunk.
In our church, once a child hits 18 months they are allowed into the nursery for the second and third hour meetings. In my head, Lenayah was going to have no problem leaving us and heading into nursery whenever I sent her. She loves to play with other kids! In reality, we have gone 3 times and it has been a big meltdown and Myles or myself had to be in there at all times or else there would be more than one person severely traumatized. She hates it in there! I can't decide if it's the lack of kids she knows, or the change in environment that scare her, but whatever it is, we won't be dropping her off and leaving any time soon.
I was feeling pretty discouraged about this whole situation yesterday and my wise friend said to me, "18 months is not a magic number". It really hit me that it's kind of okay that she still likes me enough to be sad when I leave. That won't happen forever! We will keep taking her, and keep trying to leave every so often, and when it works, it works.
In other advancements; Lenayah is a pretty darn good runner, she is super clumsy, she loves babies, falls asleep on her own and sleeps through about half the nights, she is a crazy tease and tortures her grizzly dog any chance she gets, she loves to read books, favors her daddy over me often, still a hefty little chunk, and makes us laugh with all the faces she has mastered.
She is getting 3 molars right now so days are a little rough, but we are surviving so far. Wish me luck!

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