Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016
Merry Christmas from the Maxey pad! Someday, hopefully next year, we will jump on the printed and mailed band wagon. I've been mulling on it for the last few years, but never executed on time to
actually do it without oodles of stress.

We are still in Logan, Utah and loving nearly every minute of it! It's a cute little town and we love the community we have within the school and our ward. Our house we bought last year is treating us well and slowly we are making home improvements to make it more functional and nice!

Myles is in his second year of his PhD program in Family, Consumer and Human Development. His area of focus has changed slightly this semester. His focus is a dual focus of development in adolescents with disabilities and the role of the family in their development. He has written a
curriculum for parents of adolescents with disabilities, which is what his dissertation will be now, where he will examine the impact on the family but also on the adolescent's psychosocial development. He works so hard with his schooling, it makes a wife proud. He also holds lot of part time jobs to assist in keeping us afloat and reaching our dreams of bigger better things in life. He taught his first solo upper level undergrad class this semester as part of his contract with the school. He really enjoys teaching so it has been a blessing. Next semester he will continue to teach the same class, along with being a teaching assistant for an online class. The most "real" job he holds is being a support coordinator for people with disabilities, contracting with the state. He is the middle man between the disability funding and the providers, ensuring that the supports they need are being given.  He keeps busy in his "free time" doing basketball and football officiating for the public school systems. Along with all that insanity, he also fulfills his calling in our local church congregation as the ward mission leader, not to mention that he is an excellent father and husband. Somehow he manages to balance it all out beautifully.

I stay busy enough being the support to Myles in his crazy life, but I also have my own activities. I have a part time job using my Massage Therapy License at a Chiropractic office. I love my arrangement there. As an independent contractor I have the freedom to control my schedule, allowing me to only work when Myles or Mariah (we love having auntie Mariah in Logan... For more than just the free childcare!) can be with Lenayah. I also like the structural work I get to do there, working with the Chiropractor. I stay really busy at work, too, which is a nice bonus! I lead the ward choir. That is a blessing and a curse. I constantly feel inadequate, but I do love the music so so much! My most important role right now is chasing after miss Lenayah. What a joy to be around! She certainly keeps me on my toes, learning new things every day, and laughing all the way... I, or Myles, tend my friends little girl a few hours a school day. That is an interesting adventure depending on the day little Raven and Lenayah don't get along quite so well. Good preparation for when our family grows, hopefully soon. Perhaps the most disguised blessing for me this year was the miscarriage we had in the end of October. It has taught me so much, although an immense trial to go through, I have learned to rely on my Savior so much more. I have truly felt His love this year.

Lenayah is almost old enough for nursery! Next month she hits the big 18.... 18 months that is! She is a hefty 30 lbs of absolute comedy! She is a total ham and she knows it! She can work the system, no matter what system it is! Emotion is an on/off switch for her. I don't know how she does it! She is learning more words, but her favorite might be "Gizz", her doggy Grizzly is one of her most favorite things. They are pretty darn cute together, too. Lenayah healed up nicely from her little accident this year. Its totally obvious she is the child of two very clumsy people. We are now about 8 weeks out from her first broken bone. Broke her collar bone falling off the stage at church. She handled it all very well. She is totally enamored by Christmas this year! We have caught her opening presents too early, at least 4 times. She even likes the things inside the paper. She doesn't

love to road trip, but she at least indulges her parents and her grandmas and tolerates the trips a few times a year.

This Christmas season has found us at my parents house for the first time since we got married! I feel so blessed to be here. Que the nostalgia! So many fun memories and traditions! I'm very glad to be able to share them with Myles and Lenayah.

God is good. We have seen so much growth in ourselves this year. The Atonement heals. It heals bones of babes, and hearts that hurt. Turn to him this season, if not during any other. Change is possible, through the miraculous birth of the savior. Merry Christmas to all!

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