Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Time flies when you've had a baby!

This week Beckett will be 3 months old. How. Does. This. Happen?? I don't think I've appreciated this stage as much as I should and in only a few weeks, it will likely be on it's way out. I have been tried and tested in these months. He really isn't like Lenayah and it just testifies to me that every child really is different.
From the start he struggled to eat effectively; causing gas, cluster feedings, pain on my part, and a lot of frustration for both of us. Many emotional hours on both our parts. I knew very early in his life that I should get him assessed for a lip tie, and then gradually realized his tongue was a problem also. At 8 weeks I finally caved and he was revised at 9 weeks. Within 3 days of that we found we had a completely different baby! He didn't constantly cry, he was social, and while we still, even now, have work to do, eating showed promise. 10 out of 10 would do it again if I need to!
One of my favorite things about the last 3 months is witnessing the bond and friendship that Beckett and Lenayah already seem to have! Lenayah always wants to be near him and he doesn't seem to mind. They often hold hands while we read books. If he is crying her heart swells with concern and she tells me over and over "crying!" even if I'm already looking for a solution. Admittedly that's really stressful! One child crying and the other yelling to be heard over the first, just to tell me that he's crying. Oi! They greet each other with big smiles, Lenayah usually giggling. Sometimes, like any friendship, theirs has low points. Like when Lenayah sits on Beckett because she wants to be near him. He does not think that is funny! And then I get the joy of scolding and teaching proper ways to be close.
She is, however, beginning to move into a jealousy stage. She really wants more alone time with mommy. I do my best to give her meaningful time with me, but it isn't cutting it. Any tips on how to make the valuable time fulfil her needs? Pretty often now she will ask Daddy to take Beckett so I can hold her.
Beckett sleeps pretty good most nights. In reality, I'm pretty spoiled, I think. Co-sleeping while we nurse saves me. I do sleep better when he is in his own bed though. Now, to get Lenayah sleeping more regular...
All in all I am one blessed momma! We love you, bud! On to new mile stones and adventure!

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