Here is a list of things I can't get enough of!
- When there is a tantrum, maybe one time a day, she knows that the best way for her to calm down is to spend some quiet time alone. Often she will tell me it's time to have some space and take me to her room to sit on her bed for a few minutes. When she is feeling better she calls out to me to come get her. We then talk about whatever caused the outburst, although her side is mostly in gibberish.
- I love to watch her language develop! My favorite thing she picked up recently is calling myself and Myles, "babe". She says, "bye, babe!" or covers her face to play hide and seek and does a Marco polo type thing yelling, "babe!" until someone responds. I can't help but laugh!
- She. Loves. Babies. Baby dolls or real babies, she loves them all! She wants to hold them, pat them, make them fell better if they're sad. It is the sweetest thing. At the same time we are going to have to teach her boundaries when baby brother gets here. She doesn't know when to back off and give space.
should pick up. She always does best when bribed by sugar... Haha call me what you will, I'm too tired by the end of the day to fight about it.
- Lenayah is the selfie queen! I Can't Take a picture with her in it without doing it in selfie mode. She has even started to strike a pose on que.

- She is a great eater! One of the things I struggle with is that she loves tomatoes! Problem is I'm 85% sure she is intolerant to them. Her tummy gets very upset and has trouble digesting them properly... It's a real shame because I don't have very many regular menu items that don't involve tomatoes. So all in all, she eats almost everything offered, She likes snacks most of all, though.
This is a REALLY fun age! I love the personality. It helps that Lenayah is a totally ham!
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