Birthday present from Grann! |
I would like to believe that because I have discovered the blogger app I will be more consistent about blogging. Myles generally has our house laptop for school and work things so this will help a lot!
I cannot believe how quickly a year went by! Lenayah has grown a bunch, but I would venture to say that I have grown equally as much! She has taught me so much! I think the most important part is that she has taught me how to turn to, and rely on Heavenly Father more fully.
She now has 5 teeth. 3 on top and 2 on bottom. Because of the order they came in she had a gap on top for 2 weeks or so. It cracked me up! The 4th one on the top is working it's way through now.
Teeth! |
She isn't sleeping through the night right now. I believe that is mostly due to a cold she is trying to kick. She has the boogers to stop her breath and coughing fits that make her almost throw-up. Even daddies (they can sleep through anything) don't sleep
Birthday photo shoot with dad |
well under those conditions. Finally, at the urging of many of my friends we got a bedtime routine (including naps) solid and as a result i don't finish the process in tears of frustration after a hour plus, thank goodness!
Cake Smash! |
She has discovered a few things in the last week. It's so much fun to watch her learn and problem solve. She can now successfully climb in and out of her toy box. Out was far more difficult and she had to ask for help a few times before she mastered it. She, much to my dismay, also knows that if she pushes her push and ride elephant up to something she can balance ever so carefully on top of it and climb up things. The funniest one, that didn't require trial and error is that she thinks it's hilarious to stick her tongue out the side of her mouth. When she is dancing is the #1 appearance, but she will also do it back to you, if you do it first.
Her rolls and all their glory! |
She can walk!! Not that she actually does... It seems like every time she has done it she doesn't seem to notice that she isn't holding on. As if almost by accident. Every time we set her up for success, or bribe her with a toy she immediately sits down and crawls to wherever she is going. She can go pretty far if she decides to. Either way, in a few weeks I'm sure we will have a full-time walker.
Couldn't turn it :( |
More cake! |
At her 12 month appointment she impressed her new pediatrician with her social skills, her weight, and our extended breastfeeding! The most exciting part of it all is that it has now been 6 months since anyone heard her "squeaky" heart murmur!! Dr Labrum said that it most likely closed and eased our minds even more!. Lenayah weighed in at 23lbs (90th %), 28 in (20th %) and, 47 cm head circumference (95th %). WIC does a weight vs height ratio percentile. She is like 20 points off the charts on that one!
Her tongue thing! |
Her attitude and her personality are ever increasing. Things she does not like... Folding her arms for prayer, bathing, her carseat, and being asked to learn/use simple sign language (please, thank you, more, food, all done). Boy, does she let you know how she feels if she isn't a fan!
Words: she knows daddy.
She still play peek-a-boo and say beh every time she pops up from behind her hiding spot.
Stuck in the toy box! |
And her beloved grizzly dog. She calls him gigzzz in two syllables
Climbing... |
Love this little munchkin! Can't wait to see what the next 12 months bring!
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