Zissimato's kids! (from spokane) They call Myles "Order Maskey" |
Our new world and new life has been a whirl wind! The last three months have raced by way faster than I anticipated. I am shocked to realize that I am nearly two months through my 6 month program at school! I don't even know where to begin. I'm ashamed to admit that the last time I wrote was in April. Since then so much as happened! I will try to hit the highlights.
Stopped in the Tri-cities to see Collin! |
Biggest one is that we moved to Bluffdale, UT! We are thrilled to be here and finally feeling set in. Leading up to our move we had packed most of the house, but Myles finished packing it up alone as I flew back to Oregon for a 3 days to bid an untimely farewell to one of my dearest friends! Jill Tharp was a woman of integrity, love, humility, kindness, humor, sensibility, laughter and God. I am beyond blessed to be able to say that she was such a good friend and leader. I see so many posts on facebook on her wall, telling her how much she is missed, how hard it is to be going along in the day and then be overcome with the pain, how much she taught every person she came in contact with. I feel the pain seer my heart at the most random times, and I have come to the realization that no matter how long she is gone, she will always be loved and missed. And that's okay. She was an angel on earth and she is now an angel in heaven.
Lillian flew a plane! |
Going back to our move, I got back 3 days before we left our home in Las Cruces that I grew to love so much. We had a ton of support from the ward. We had so many people come to help load up and clean that I didn't know what to do with all of them. In the process of moving I injured my ankle. I visited the ER (Because my only access to insurance in NM is through the ER) on the day we were leaving town only to find out that I only had a bruise. I'm not entirely sure about the bruise because I am still feeling it two and a half months later. We stayed the night in Albuquerque with Rachelle (Myles' Sister) to split up the drive at least a little bit.
We were up way too early to start our drive the following day. It was long but we made it safely and that is what is important. The moving truck was not a fun ride to be in while I was in a splint up to my knee.
Playing in the park! :D |
Again, we had a lot of support from the ward, only this time it was from our NEW ward. We made it to our house and there were people here to help us unload! They did it super quickly, and we were able to sleep in our bed just 3 hours after we pulled into our driveway. We like our little basement apartment and our land lord a lot! We are blessed to be here in this little "country" town. Surrounded by horses, deer, orchards, frogs. The works! It's a beautiful place and we are blessed to be here.
We spent a week visiting people in the Spokane Mission that Myles worked with while he served there. That was an amazing week and I am so glad we got to be there. There were so many good people and they increased my love for the stories I've heard and my gratitude that he was able to serve there.
Following our week in Spokane, we made our way to my mom's house for our visit with her, and the annual sand castle competition. There were so many good times in the week and a half we were there. It was great to be blessed with the time with my family. I wish there was more opportunities with them, but they aren't as available as we wish.
BEACHIN! Haystack rock in the back ground! |
Since we have been back in Utah we were blessed with not one, but two job opportunities! He accepted both, but has since resigned from one with a boys' home to open up for more time for his full-time job and football officiating. He is working at the Work Activity Center full time. He loves it there! He is working with developmentally handicapped adults. They provide a learning environment, activities, and positive interaction with them daily. He is loving the work and the population that he is allowed to work with. He will soon be promoted to a position in the employment department. That is where they provide work opportunities for their clients. It's a great place and the blessings continue to pour out.
Watched Lillian's softball game the day I got my wisdom tooth out. |
I am LOVING school! Every day it is confirmed to me that I made the right choice coming here. It's a wonderful program! I start in the clinic tomorrow so we will see how it goes! I am blessed to be there.
In the ward we are one of 3 young couples in the ward with no kids. haha we were the first and then the other two couples moved in within the last two weeks. Myles has been called as the Gospel Principles teacher, and I am called for the second time in a row as the Relief Society Activities Coordinator! We are both excited about both of these opportunities.
As I have repeated so many times so far, WE ARE BLESSED.
Road trippin with Chadly! |
Studying with my school buddy Andie! |
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