Some of the pictures Sharlene took before the Sealing. I haven't gotten any pictures of my dress yet... Again, Check out Mom's if you want those!

He was very clear with it all, and
we entered the simple and beautiful sealing room with feelings of peaceful joy!
I walked in to see the smiling faces of people that loved and supported us!
Sister Tharp, My parents, Both sets of grandparents, Myles’ mom and grandpa,
the tearful smile of my wonderful sister Kimber, Ray, Anna and John, The Tapasa’s,
My dear friend Dean and his parents, Vicky and Mike Hilton, Sister Theil, Mary
Jane and Jim, and the Jessop parents. It was a room full of love! It was great
to see everyone there! There were a couple of men that I wish could have been
there, but my thoughts didn’t turn to them until after Myles and I had been
sealed, and My uncle Jim hugged me twice and said, “This one is from Rorie. You
know he would be here if he could.” Then with a tearful smile my thoughts
turned to the boys in my life who I watched become men as they prepared for
their missions. Elder Jessop serving in Texas, Elder Earl in Brazil, and Elder
Hewitt in California. All of them dear, dear friends of mine who I know would
have been there if they had not been called to serve the Lord right now. They
are phenomenal men and strong missionaries and I wouldn’t want them any other
Going back to the sealing now… Dad
and Grandpa Nielsen sat at the head of the room with the sealer standing
between them. Myles and I sat between our mothers at the other end of the room,
fingers interlaced, and trying our hardest to focus on what the sealer was
saying to us. He gave us direction on how to have a fulfilling marriage. Key
points on what would bring us happiness. There were 5 of them and if I remember
them all correctly he instructed us to 1) Keep the commandments that God has
set out for us. 2) Learn and Live the Gospel. Be able to teach it. 3) Utilize
the Atonement. 4) Attend the temple often 5) Be prayerful.
He was very wise and it touched me
to know that he had prayed for council to give just to us.
Then the sealer had us kneel across
the altar from each another, smiling and locking eye contact. The sealer had
made special mention to us not to look at him, but at each other and so we did.
What seemed to be no time later, I heard him utter the words, “You are sealed
as husband and wife, legally and lawfully wedded.” Then, turning to Myles he
said, “ Do you want to kiss your girl?” quiet laughter filled the room. We
exchanged rings and each of our guest filled by, embracing and congratulating
We hurried to get ready for
pictures, and fix my dress. We were told that there was sun outside right NOW
and if we were fast enough we would catch it. My mom followed me into my
dressing room and did her best to get my skirt off the ground with more safety
pins than I could count as they went on. They would do the job for now… we
found Myles and hurried outside. Just as we walked out the doors, it started to
sprinkle on us and then all to quickly it turned to a full on down pour. My
parade was not just being rained on! It was like someone turned on a faucet
right over the temple! The skirts of my dress were drenched; those who did not
make it under an umbrella were soaked to the skin. People became quickly
miserable. I tried to keep my spirits up as my mom demanded that I be the one
to make the decision for what to do. My options were stand in the cold and see
if we could get enough time without the rain that we could take pictures, or
send all the family away so that they could be dry while Myles and I took
pictures at the temple under an umbrella. I opted to send everyone else away
and do family and party pictures at the church after the boys shirts went
through the dryer. Chad hugged me as he was leaving and soon after that someone
asked me what was on my dress… To my shock and horror I looked down to see kind
of a brownish purple color smudged on the bodes of my dress. My aunt Anna said
she had a plan but for now while Shar was taking pictures it would just have to
be edited out of the pictures.
I was freezing the entire time but
I believe we got some good pictures out of the few minutes that we had. We of
course had far too much fun! Well, I don’t know if there is a such thing as too
much fun, but we enjoy ourselves a lot! Although I was having fun, I was still
cold so when we finished I was grateful to be able to get warmer, dryer clothes
on. We loaded the ripped, stained, and soaking dress into the car and headed
back to the family dinner.
Myles and I arrived at home with
enough time to have Gma Mabee and Anna work on my dress and for us to start
shoving things into the car. It was the assignment of Raymond and Anna to “play
tetris” with our car so that all the presents would fit into our little civic.
They did an amazing job if I do say so myself! We could probably even fit more
in if we needed to! Thank goodness we didn’t though… Anyway, Myles ran up to
the church to meet his family and eat while I finished helping Ray pack our
stuff up. I got to the church with enough time to have Chelle redo my hair
because it really needed it. The rain and wind had pretty much trashed it. Then
I drank a bowl of squash soup that was delish, and went to get my dress back on
for pictures. The stains were all out and the train was just taken out so that
it would look better than half of it being down. They did an amazing job and
really helped me feel calm about the whole situation. My one concern was that I
really had not eaten anything all day, and I didn’t know if I would make it
through the reception!
We did as many pictures as we could
before guests started arriving. I do have some fears that we didn’t get all of
them that I wanted. I’m mostly worried that we didn’t get one with my entire
immediate family. I know my momma really wanted one… Oh well… We will be back.
The party was great! There were so
many people there to support us! I felt bad for Myles because he didn’t know
anyone there except his family and one of his EFY Tacoma kids that came to see
him. Someone else would have to guess how many people were there because I
really haven’t a clue. There were a lot. I didn’t have a voice by the end of
it! We talked to so many people! Amanda Maki was amazing and did the Food and
cupcakes for the guests, and Elizabeth Marquez did the cake for us. They both
did an amazing job and it would not have been the same without them! I was
touched to see so many of my friends show up and see that there was help needed
and gladly step in to fill the empty spaces. Even Lagi got an apron on and got
to clear tables with her mommy! They were all so sweet and kind to help like
they did.
When it came time to cut the cake
we weren’t sure what the other was going to do. Smash cake, or be nice… I
wanted to be nice! My dress had already been through so much and I was so tired
by that point that cake in my face really didn’t seem like a ton of fun.
Anyway, Myles saw me pick up a piece of cake and thought it did it too quickly
to have the intention of being nice. Therefore, I got covered in cake! It was
everywhere! I tried to get him back but my arms just weren’t long enough! I did
get him to some degree, but not as much as he got me… haha it was all fun
though. All out of love, and very much full of laughter. The pictures people
got of this were great!
We had a first dance which was kind
of weird because we were the only people dancing and everyone was staring at
us… Maybe that is how it’s supposed be but we just talked and laughed with each
other while Myles continuously tried not to step on my dress. Following our
first dance we had a father/daughter dance which Myles and his mom joined us
in. That was fun! Again, dad and I talked and laughed. Following that I think
there was more visiting.
It was
coming close to time for Myles and I to leave but we couldn’t find my coat,
which had our keys in it. We got nervous that the usual vandalisms had been
done to our car, but thankfully went outside to see our car untouched. We
couldn’t afford to have anything done to it with the long drive that we had ahead
of us. Finally I believe it was Auntie Jo that found my coat in the kitchen,
with my keys still safely tucked into the pocket!
Myles and I
ran to my mom’s house to change out of our wedding attire, threw some more
things into the car, and ran back to the church to open presents and play
tetris. Mom wrote stuff down while Myles and I busted open the presents as fast
as we could. It was fun!
I went to
load up my dress to go with Ann but when I came out they were gone! I guess
they didn’t hear me ask if I could send my dress with them… We called them back
and I put the dress in the car. It is safely there and will be ready for me to
wear at our NM reception next week.
After all
the presents had been loaded up I started sending around the hugs to my family
and closest friends. Kimber and Fia were the only people who got me to cry all
day! Then I got to mom and that was just down hill from there. She and I just
held on tight, giggling and crying. Giggling because we are going to see each
other next week. Crying because it will be hard to be apart again. After I took
a few last minute pictures, Myles and I ran out the door to our car and hit the
road. Only heading for as far as Salem.
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