we got up as early as our tired bodies would allow and got on the road. This
time we would make it to the bank first! We needed to stash all that cash we
got from our amazing friends! In the process of finding a bank, we discovered
that my temple recommend was missing. I called my parents house to see if it was
there, or if anyone had seen it. My temple recommend was extremely vital, as
our entire honeymoon was planned around attending as many temples as we could.
My family had not seen it but started looking around the church, as well as in
their house. The best thing that they did for me was Dads favorite thing to do
when something is lost. He gathered up my siblings all together for prayer and
asked for a blessing that we would find it. Prayer truly works! I was on the
phone with my mom, brainstorming where it might be and she told me to look in a
bag that had been put under my chair. When got out of the car to look under my
chair Myles got out and looked under his chair too. When he emerged, we
discovered a bag of old taco bell, as well as my recommend! We aren’t entirely
sure how it got there, but I don’t think that part really matters. What matters
is that we found it! We thought that that was a miracle! Even more miraculous
is that when we got back into the car, we realized that Myles hadn’t shifted
the car all the way into park and that we could have very easily rolled forward
and hit the pole we parked in front of. We were in neutral on a slanted parking
space, and we didn’t roll! The Lord is so good! Protection in all things if we
are faithful!
Our drive
to Boise was somewhat quick and painless. We sang Christmas songs for the
majority of it. Myles thought I was being silly and ridiculous the whole time,
but hey! Gotta do something to pass the time. I slept for a little bit, but we
chatted for most of the 7 hour drive. We got to Boise just in time for Criminal
to start! I had been looking forward to it all day, but had a really hard time
staying awake.
I didn’t
sleep too well because I was freezing the whole night, but that isn’t unusual.
I knew all
along that we would be honeymooning on thanksgiving, and I also knew it would
be hard. Had I known how hard it would be, I might not have done it the same
way. I was very flustered in the morning and I didn’t want to make many
decisions for myself. Our only plans for the day were to see if we could find a
store open to buy a Christmas ornament at, (I’m starting my tree décor by
buying an ornament from each city we stayed in.) and then keep driving to Salt
Lake City where our next hotel was booked. We found a walmart to buy an
ornament at. We picked BSU rubber duckies. They are cute. We also saw a camo razor
that reminded us of our friend Trevor.
Later on that day we also saw an advertisement that said, “BUY A TRUCK,
GET A GUN!” that made us think of Trevor again.
We hit the
road, making the slow journey for SLC. I was texting my Mom who was at her
mom’s house for thanksgiving festivities. That was really hard! So hard, that I
silently balled my eyes out for a good amount of time (Myles argues that it was
only 5 minutes) before Myles even noticed or said anything. I didn’t want him
to worry about me, but I was losing it! When he asked me what was wrong, and if
I was okay, I couldn’t help but laugh. I knew it was silly for me to cry. “I’m
a grown, married woman!” I kept telling myself. “You don’t need to cry because
you’re away from you family for the first holiday ever.” But it was no use, and
the crying/laughing continued as I told him that it was hard to be away from my
family for a holiday. I know he mentioned that He was sorry it was so hard, and
then something about his mission, but I don’t remember what else was said
between us. The tears quickly finished their début and the day went on as it
No temples
were open on thanksgiving, but we did stop at both the Boise Temple, and The
Brigham City Temple to take pictures. Both of them are beautiful, and I hope to
visit the inside someday!
We got to
Salt Lake around 5 in the evening, checked into our Themed hotel room, and went
back downstairs to find some where that could feed us for thanksgiving, since
the room service options did not meet our expectations. After working with the
desk girl for a long while, we finally found that there was a cracker barrel in
South Jordan that was open and willing to feed us. We went there and it was
nice. Not a typical thanksgiving, but a thanksgiving none-the-less.
Now that
we’ve talked about the food, I must tell you about the hotel! It’s a hotel
called the anniversary inn. There are a bunch of them I guess. They remodel old
buildings and turn them into fancy, themed, individual places. We stayed in one
called, “The palace Suite.” But there are rooms themed as Egypt, Or the Jungle,
or even a town car! The building we stayed in was an old Jail. Myles was
reading about the history of the building, and paraphrasing, he said, “Honey,
we could be staying in a room where there was a murderer!” That is SO
comforting… lol! It was a good time though! Kind of a fancy get away… J
Friday we were up early to get
ready visit the Salt Lake City Temple. We had hoped to have time to walk temple
square more, but didn’t get the chance. The temple was beautiful and peaceful,
as always. It was interesting because to get into the temple, you have to go in
a whole different building, then go underground to get to the temple! It’s
real! The underground tunnels are not legend! The time in the temple was
blessed, and educational. We even got to see a friend from Myles’ mission! They
had a fun little reunion and it reminded me how blessed I am to be in a world
wide church that is so “Small” We are family!
We swiftly walked to deseret book
to grab a few things, and walked back to the car. We grabbed some food and went
to the next temple. This one was the Jordan River Temple. I made a special
point to make it to that one because my Parents were Married there. On the
Friday after thanksgiving, in fact! It was really sweet to be able to go do a
sealing session with a family. The father of the family was being sealed to his
deceased parents. He had a lot of family file names to do as well so we got to
participate in that too. I really felt impressed by their dedication to be
there as a family. There were 3 children, 2 spouses, and 2 parents there. They
truly were a happy family! It was a great experience!
After the temple we got on the road
to go to my Grandma Boyack’s house for a little get together they were having.
I wasn’t quite clear on it, but they celebrated thanksgiving on Friday! So we
got to go play some games and enjoy some desert with them. It was fun to just
be able to sit and be for a while! We were staying in Provo that night, so we
didn’t need to leave until I started to feel sick.
My sinuses were really bugging me.
I had a head ache because of them, and I was becoming extremely restless. Myles
did a really nice job forcing me to pull out my Oils and fix myself. He is
starting to be a Young Living Believer!!
Saturday I woke up feeling a
better! Lavendar on a cotton ball and in the ear, Theives on my throat and in
some water to drink, a warm hat to keep my head warm! That’s all it takes to
cure a little sinus issue. J
We planned on doing some more
temples so we loaded up pretty quickly and went to eat at IHOP because I had
never eaten there before and we needed some breakfast. Breakfast there was really
good but our waiter was really strange… Anyway, we went to the Mount Timpanogus
temple. It was, like all other temples, wonderful and inspiring! The session
there took much longer than expected but was great none-the-less. We decided
not to attend a session at the Provo temple like we had intended because we
didn’t want to drive over soldier pass in the dark. We spent some time on the Y
campus buying my ornament and getting some Ice cream from the BYU creamery.
That was delicious. Like, seriously!!!
We needed some real food to go
along with our Ice Cream so we headed to the closest Quizno’s to get a
sandwhich before we “needed” an oil change. Myles really thought we needed one
right away but I wasn’t exactly sure why. Anyway, that was a little weird since
we haven’t been able to change the title yet. They thought we were Jennifer! We
are not Jennifer. We got it worked out and the oil change took around 20
minutes. Just long enough for us to finish our food and get back in the car!
This time we went a block away to see Myles’ mission comp, Chandler Fordham. He
works at the mall in Orem at Finish Line. He’s hoping for an awesome promotion
soon so he said we had to come to him. It was pretty sweet. I miss having free
time to work out bunches. It was good to meet Fordham and be able to see Myles
so excited about it! They kept telling each other how skinny they looked… How
come no one was telling me how skinny and great I looked? :P It was fun for the
small amount of time we got to spend there.
By 3 o’clock we found our selves on
the road again! Headed to Moab this time.
We went to the grocery store
because I really needed some real food, plus our motel didn’t serve breakfast
in the morning and we didn’t want to eat out on Sunday. We were very sluggish
and indecisive at the grocery store. Haha we finally decided on begals in the
morning and some pizza bite things. After some football it was an early night
of 8:30 for us!
Sunday we found a ward where we
could attend sacrament meeting. As soon as it was over we hit the road again,
going for Albuquerque. At this point I was completely ready to just skip
Albuquerque and keep driving until we got home, but that would mean a wasted
room and getting home after midnight, only to have to make our bed. We made it
to Albuquerque and once again I wasn’t feeling well and I was ready for bed. A
little football and a big salad later I was sleeping. I would just like to say
that everyone talks about how great and awesome getting married and going on a
honeymoon is, but no one tells you how tired you get!! It is great and awesome…
but it’s also incredibly exhausting!
Monday I woke Myles up early. I was
READY TO BE HOME!! I’m a homebody and I know it. I will freely admit it too! My
mommy taught me how. We got to Cruces at 12:30. That gave me all afternoon to
make my house livable… It really wasn’t enough time. I walked in and I honestly
wanted to walk back out and let someone else do it.
At this point in time, with the
help of Myles and my awesome friend Beth I have put the kitchen together and
our room is put together. Most of the boxes that need to be searched through
and stored for sentimental purposes are in the spare room that will serve as an
office and massage room for now. The coffin of a bathroom has everything that
can fit in it already in it. I just have a few things down stairs that need to
be organized so that I can move the second couch in. Beth and I were even handy
enough to get the TV going! WITH channels! Man, I’m so good.
Myles will be home from his game in
a few minutes and it looks completely different down stairs. I’m excited!
Thanks for hanging on through the
entire story! There will be more newly wed stories to come!
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Brigham City, UT |
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Brigham City, UT Wednesday Afternoon |
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Salt Lake City, UT Friday morning. Did a session. :) |
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Jordan River, UT Friday afternoon. Did a Sealing session with the Aldriges. My parents were married here! |
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Mount Timp, UT Saturday morning. Did a very long session, with a few technical difficulties |
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Provo, Ut |
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Monticello, Ut |
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The endless amounts of cardboard that kept appearing in my kitchen where my table should be! |