I've resolved to do a little better because well, if we are being honest, I am horrible at updating the blog and a little better doesn't mean much! I've been inspired by a friend of mine who is a brand new momma; she puts a blog up every few weeks without fail! The are to the point and well written. Every time I read one I think to myself, "I think I could find 20-30 minutes every few weeks to put something like this up!" So, with a boosted confidence and new determination, here goes! Thanks, Torrie!
Lasagna for dinner! |
Time has flown by over the last year, I have sent regular updates to our parents and siblings, but if you don't fall into either of those categories, I'm afraid you've lost out on the little things in Lenayah's life that we rejoice in. I don't think I could even begin to catch you up, so I'll start with this month in hopes that you'll forgive me for all the others!
Daddys favorite restaurant in NM |
Our little princess is nearly 11 months old and looking less and less like the little baby I gave birth to. She is finally starting to get some of my facial features to blend with the very obvious Maxey genes. I've said it before, but now others are jumping on board. She looks so much like her Aunt Mariah! Most people say she looks like her daddy, which she does, but Mariah even more so.
Mariah around a year old |
She crawls all over the house, but whenever the opportunity is presented she races for the dog food trying to get there before we notice the dog has left it sitting. She has only won the race twice but she gets very upset when the dog food is removed from her mouth. This may stem from her love of everything food, which I will tell in detail in a moment. Just yesterday she started pulling herself up to standing on things with more confidence. She doesn't need a ledge anymore. It could be our legs, the wall, or the screen door. It used to be only couches and tables and such. She loves to walk all over the place... as long as someone will hold her hands. Without mom or dad, she won't even attempt. One of her best talents is put to use when we try to let her stand alone, or give her to a stranger. The water works begin and the wailing ensues. The second she gets what she wants, the tears stop, the fussing stops and she will even go as far as to have the biggest grin on her face. She is a stubborn little person. I can't imagine where she gets that from.
Got ahold of a TP roll |
She is one happy little person over all. She loves to laugh. She is pretty good at social cues so if she sees someone else laughing, she starts to laugh as well. She is becoming very interested in other babies and kids. Over the last 5-6 weeks her hair has grown like weeds! I've only tried two hairdos so far, but how can you not love the little bam bam pony on the top of her head?
Now, as for food. She loves it all! No kidding, she will eat whatever I give her. I'm sure this is bound to change, and probably soon at that! But she continually blows me away with her appetite. We still have a wonderful breastfeeding relationship which I can't foresee ending any time soon unless there is some drastic change. Last Friday at dinner she ate half a bratworst, a squeezy pouch, and a medium sized banana. The crazy part is that she was mad when I cut her off and told her she was done! This girl doesn't have the legs and pot belly she does for nothing! She works for it! That being said, she is incredibly hard to dress. She is nearly into 18 month onesies, and if pants fit around her thighs they are a good 3 inches too long for her. Oh boy!
Because who doesn't like to play in the bathroom? |
Myles and I are doing well. Both of us are working hard. I am working at a Chiropractic office in the valley and I love it there! I get to do the type of massage I love (injury rehab, deep, trigger point) and we get to pay our bills this summer. Myles has a lot of wonderful research projects going on, all geared toward helping him in his degree. He also just found out that he has been asked to solo teach an undergrad class this fall! We were surprised, as that is not what his Academic schedule had planned, but he is excited for the opportunity and we feel blessed that the trust him so much after just one year.