Lenayah is going to be 12 weeks old on Friday, can you believe it? Its really crazy to me, all that has happened in that time. Most importantly, Lenayah Lorraine joined our family!

I can't even begin to describe the experience of labor and delivery. I had an incredible team of people who love me there to support the process. My mom was directing You're A Good Man Charlie Brown so naturally I had to have 3 people to replace her. It helped that she was able to join in on the phone a couple of times during the 18 hours at the hospital before Lenayah made her appearance. Having polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) made it necessary for me to go to the hospital as soon as I knew I was in labor, to insure the safety of myself and Lenayah when my water broke. That time came around 2 am on the morning of July 18th, 3 weeks before my due date. Unfortunately after monitoring me for 4 hours they decided that I was not really in labor and were prepping the paperwork to send me home. 2 hours after that they came back with the papers and asked if I wanted them to check my cervix one more time. I of course said yes, as I really thought I was in labor. When the nurse checked me she was surprised to find that I had indeed progressed to 5 cm and 100% effaced, further proof that my waves of contractions were actually doing what they were supposed to. She went to call and consult my OB again and came back a half hour later with news that I was being instructed to stay in labor and delivery.

My timing is way off, but I think it was around 11 or 12 that my wonderful friend Natalie showed up with snacks and encouragement. Thank goodness she loves the process of childbirth because she stuck around through the whole process. Again, my time may be wrong, but I think my aunt Lesa showed up 30 minutes or so after Natalie. With these powerful ladies by my side, along with Myles, I was prepared for my water to be broken by the on-call doctor for my OB's office to break my water at 1:40pm. I'm told it was like watching him open the flood gates, or turning on a hose. Even with my water broken labor seemed to be moving somewhat slowly so I told Myles he could go to a job interview that was essential for us to be employed when we moved to Logan. I told him to be fast but it seemed like 20 minutes after he left I really started to have some hard contractions. Nat, Lesa and I found a little "hill" in the halls of the hospital. The "climb" helped me move through the contractions while they increased in intensity and speed. I explained to Nat how I wanted her to massage my hips through each contraction. We moved back to the room to be

monitored and sit on the ball to see how that helped. Lesa got cold wet rags to help me stay cool and relaxed. I was very ready for Myles to come back by 4:30 when he walked in the door. He changed out of his interview clothes and got involved. He did great jumping right into the chaos. The nurse came in a little after 5 and told me that I was allowed to get in the tub. (We thought I couldn't because my water was broken.) That was wonderful news for our little labor crew. My mom called somewhere in there to talk me through a few contractions. Telling me I was not going to be benefited if I growled through the pressure. Moaning was okay, but no growling. So that's what I tried to do... I don't think it worked very well considering soon after I got into the tub I was freezing! I probably had 20 contraction 2 minutes apart in the tub while I froze before I was beyond done with the whole tub thing and ready to push. I couldn't tell you how many people helped me, or how many contractions I had between the tub and the bed. The nurse checked my cervix and said I was at a 10 and ready to push, but that I couldn't start until the Dr got there. She insisted that it would only be 10-15 minutes; I think it was more like 25! This point in delivery really speaks to the fact that I was not in control of this journey. When your body is ready to push, it means PUSH and its going to do it without your help if it has to. Finally the Dr came and coached me through a couple of pushes. He left "to do paper work" which we all thought was odd, but looking back I think that he could see that I was well taken care of by my team. On the birth end of pushing Lenayah got the hiccups. That was a weird feeling for sure! After 40 minutes of pushing, our beautiful girl was officially outside of me and in the world.

What happened next will have to be another blog as there is no real good place to stop once I start. LONG story short, Lenayah spent 15 days in the NICU learning to breath on her own.

A week after she was born my parents came to see us in the hospital. (Myles and I were blessed enough to be allowed to stay in the hospital while Lenayah was there) After they left the Maxey's were able to come. Ann had to go the day before we went home, Mariah stayed with us until we got to come home, and Chelle joined us shortly thereafter. We had 5 days to be our new little family before Hannah came to help me pack up the house and move. What a blessing she was! I don't think I could have done it without her, since Natalie's back was injured.

Logan has been treating us well. Myles is enjoying school and the people he is meeting. Lenayah and I don't have a social life but maybe soon we will. She is learning and growing every day! At her 2 month appointment she had gained 5 lbs and 4 inches since birth. She is a pro at rolling over, smiling, diaper changes and barfing. She is starting to work on her interest in toys and noises and is building her sitting muscles!
Thanks for checking in, I know we are blessed. Looking at Lenayah's gorgeous face every day is a constant reminder!