Not unlike any other time I sit down to blog, I don't know what to write about. I don't understand why that is! I mean, lets be perfectly honest, I am an opinionated lady! I get that from my mom. ;) The last blog I wrote was about starting anew and being an example of Christian behavior. I have been able to do that everyday, even if it is the smallest of things. The thing that sticks out to me most is something that happened today.
I <3 this |
I was filling up with gas-a not so happy experience-and I noticed a man right away who seemed to be bundled up a lot for the cold and he was pacing, I assumed that to be because he was cold. He walked up to me, seemingly nervous, and said, "Excuse me miss, I know this is a lot to ask, I can see you're already spending money right now, but would you happen to have some change I could have. I haven't eaten in 2 days and I am looking to buy a sandwhich." I quickly pulled my wallet and asked him how much. I was fully willing and ready to give him everything he needed for his lunch. He turned it down and said he only wanted $2 from me. I finished filling up the car and went on with the rest of the day. As I drove away I thanked my heavenly father for the opportunity to serve someone today.
Goofy is my middle name! |
Over the last few weeks life has been crazy busy. Myles' older brother got married. It was a nice ceremony and reception. I helped out with some of the decorating and did some sound things for the actual wedding portion of the day. It was a fun and exciting atmosphere, but I do have to admit the gratitude I felt that someone else planned my wedding. I was exceptionally pleased with the decorations at both receptions, and the Temple sealing truly is a great experience. Although there was some drama, by our own choosing we filled the night with fun! It was a long 2 days, but they were seriously fun ones! We were asked to give talks on the following Sunday so that was a little more hectic than we anticipated. Our talks were very much guided by the spirit.
Our job has some major ups and downs when it comes to a first week to the second kind of a basis. We get paid per car. We have absolutely no control over what lots have how much work for us. Because of that our pay checks can vary a lot, causing our money conscious minds to freak out a little bit. We started looking into new job opportunities, however after much prayer and a visit to the temple, we have been instructed to stick this job out. We don't know if that will be another month or until May when we move, but we are thankful to have a job, and we will stick it out as long as the Lord asks us to.
This might be my favorite picture |
My new calling in the ward is Relief Society Activities Coordinator. I really had a hard time accepting this to be my call, but I told the bishop I would do it, and I started into my new job. It was a hard experience at first! You will all be glad to know that I have had a change of heart! I have my first activity planned and I am so excited! I am thankful for the people that have accepted to be on my committee. They are a real blessing to me! Our Valentines activity is going to be a great one!
I am in love with my visiting teaching route and my fabulous companion Christine. She is a great friend and I know it was perfect for both of us at this time. The Sisters we visit are strong, faithful, ambitious, beautiful women who are examples to me! I'm thankful that God has provided this program to women in the Church. It really is inspired, even if it takes me a while to get out of my dear mothers attitude. :P
Bridesmaids! |
Our wedding pictures came! Sharlene Fagersten with Your Good Side Photography did a super amazing job! The pictures have an assortment of beautiful pictures, serious pictures, and down right fun ones! I am so thankful she agreed to do it, even while she was in school and working, both full time.
We are FAMILY! |
Myles got a new tie from Hannah |
We went to the Temple this past weekend. It was, as the Temple always is, a beautiful experience. I wanted so badly to have "more profound experience than I have before" moment. However, I asked in my prayers that I would only have what I was ready for. That proved to be a hard thing for me. It was wonderful! However it was the same wonderful as I always thought it was, and I was feeling disappointed that the feeling I thought I wanted didn't happen. I walked out of the temple, trying to keep my head high, but I had this nagging wish that something more would have happened. I became bitter and then saddened because I knew that isn't a feeling you are supposed to have when you come out of the temple. The following day I was able to be touched by the spirit and was finally able to be taught something. I have been taught this by friends, teachers, loved ones, and the spirit countless times. The lesson is: The Lord works in his own time, no matter how faithful and obedient we are. I am now beyond my negative feelings and proud to say that I love going to the temple! Despite my desire for a "profound" something to happen, I know that God is going to work in his time. He is constant. He always has done things in his all seeing time, and he always will. My little human mind sometimes can't grasp that concept. Good thing God sends me the same lesson over and over. Maybe one of these times I'll get it.
My hair is getting its length and curl back at the same time! |
I hope everyone is doing well! We are so blessed and thankful to be where we are at right now. Be Faithful!
PS-If you want to see more pictures, there are tons on my facebook!